Friday, May 21, 2010


This video is a MUST SEE. A Soldiers Homecoming.

Video Link

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


'Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine' by Newt Gingrich, May 19, 2010.

In the 20th Century, America fought and defeated Nazism, Fascism, Imperialism and Communism -- four existential threats to our survival.

In this century, America is facing two different kinds of threats, though no less grave. This time, the threat does not come from nation-state superpowers, but from non-state networks, each pursuing an agenda based upon radical ideologies. The first motivates non-state terrorist networks to kill Americans both here and abroad. But even more disturbing than the threats from foreign terrorists is a second threat that is right here at home. It is an ideology so fundamentally at odds with historic American values that it threatens to undo the cultural ethics that have made our country great. I call it "secular-socialism."

The Left has thoroughly infiltrated nearly every cultural commanding height of our civilization. That is, they hold power, influence and control of academia, the elite news media, Hollywood, union leaders, trial lawyers, the courts, the Congress, and the bureaucracy at all levels of government. They are radically redefining our very culture by deciding what is news, what is entertainment, what our children learn in school, and what kind of government we should have.

They share a vision of a secular, socialist America run for the interests of the members of the political machine that keeps them in power, where government dominates the people instead of representing them. In short, this ruthless "secular-socialist machine" wants to use government power to change who we are and how we think.

After the Republicans lost their way and failed to govern, the Left took their opportunity to remake America. Barack Obama is the most radical President in American history. His administration combines the radicalism of Saul Alinsky, the corruption of Springfield, and the machine politics of Chicago. If they succeed in completing their agenda while in power, America will face becoming a European-style, high-tax, big-bureaucracy, low-economic-growth state.

The question before us is simple.

Will we be able To Save America before it is too late?
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