We American Citizens believe in the Constitution of the United States and its strict interpretation as set forth and written by our Founding Fathers. We are dedicated to restoring the principles of the Constitution by engaging candidates running for office to ensure that they believe in and will abide by the covenants as stated in the Constitution. We are dedicated to working at all levels to meet these goals so that we may help return America to a Republic free from Federal tyranny and oppressive involvement in our free market system.
As mentioned in our meetings, the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) is an organization that legally fights against the ACLU and numerous organizations trying to take religion out of America, the killing of the unborn, and unconstitutional laws being passed by Congress. This group is worthy of Patriotic American support both vocally and financially. Your support will help the ACLJ keep fighting for American values that are constantly under attack in this rapid movement toward Socialism and the destruction of our Republic. Visit their site by clicking on the link below.