Friday, July 17, 2009

CANADIAN HEALTH CARE COMING TO USA? Alliance has just been informed that a crucial vote on socialized health care could take place in a key House committee in the next 24 hours or at the latest by next Tuesday.

Time to take action - fax or phone some of the members of Congress that are on the list (link below). Help defeat Socialized Health Care by becoming involved as "we the people" must stand up and make our opinions known.

Don’t Let Bureaucrats Make Your Healthcare Decisions … Tell Them You OPPOSE Government-Run Socialized Health Care!

Don’t turn over your sensitive and private health care decisions to bean counting bureaucrats without a fight! Take immediate action to short-circuit President Obama’s mad dash to force his socialized health care plan down our throats before the August recess.

Such a plan would:
spawn massive tax increases (passed on to you)
spark health care rationing
prove crippling to businesses
increase government control of our lives

Your timely response is critical! Grassfire is urging citizens to directly respond in the most effective and efficient way possible—urging lawmakers to oppose ANY plan that steals away our right to choose!

Fax Key Members Of Congress Right Now And Say “NO” to Socialized Health Care.

Send your faxes or call as many as you can at their office today. (Contact list with fax numbers here).

Forward this email to your friends - even in other states. We have to make our voices heard.

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