Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Special Alert
May 19, 2009

Take Action: Help Protect Abstinence Education in Texas
The Texas House likely will consider legislation Wednesday that attacks abstinence-until-marriage education. Your help is needed today.
If adopted, amendments to SB 283 would replace abstinence-until-marriage education with "comprehensive" sex education that promotes condoms and abortion. These amendments are an effort to resurrect two Planned Parenthood-supported bills that have failed in the House.
Chad Hills, research analyst at Focus on the Family, said citizens must act now to help defeat the amendments and prevent the loss of a highly successful program.
“Texas has long supported abstinence education," he said, "which encourages the only 100 percent safe model — for teens to wait until they are in a lifelong, committed marriage.”
TAKE ACTION - Please call your state representative immediately and ask him or her to oppose amendments to SB 283 that would replace abstinence-only education with "comprehensive sex education." To find contact information, visit the Free Market Foundation’s Action Center.

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